<?php echo $berita_read->judul_berita ?>

Dear Research Colleagues,
You are INVITED to join the International Respati Health Conference (IRHC).

Please complete the registration form below to participate as attendee/ audience:
 https://bit.ly/IRHC-AttendanceRegistration Thursday-Friday, 16-17 March 2023 starts at 9 AM, All times are Indonesia Standard Time, Jakarta Time (GMT+7), Please check your timezone.
IRHC is a conference collaboration program between Universitas Respati Yogyakarta and Research Synergy Foundation. Co-hosted by Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Respati and Universitas Respati Indonesia. IRHC aims to comprehend the health service system and the role of health workers in disaster conditions. The conference theme is “Sustainable Health Care and Disaster Management”.
*E-certificate for attendee/ audience will be provided to registered email after the session ONLY for participants who are complete and actively involved in asking the question or giving feedback in the session.
FREE of Charge!

Join us at the IRHC and gain interesting knowledge with various leading and credible Keynote Speakers and Invited speakers :

  • Prof. Ts. Dr. Ming Tatt LEE as Keynote Speaker - Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UCSI University, Malaysia. ?
  • Dr. David Leonard Blow as Keynote Speaker - Founder and Director of Studies, Taping NeuroMuscular Institute, Rome, Italy.
  • Prof. Eef Hogervorst as Keynote Speaker - School of Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences, Loughborough University, United Kingdom.
  • dr. Ari Waluyo Sp.OG(K), MARS as Invited Speaker - Universitas Respati Indonesia (URINDO), Indonesia.
  • Isyeu Sriagustini SKM., MKM. as Invited Speaker - STIKES TASIKMALAYA, Indonesia.
  • dr. M Hardhantyo MPH., Ph.D., FRSPH as Invited Speaker - Universitas Respati Yogyakarta (UNRIYO), Indonesia.

Moreover, there will be many researchers, lecturers, students, practitioners and academicians gather at this conference to exchange and share their thought and finding in various spectrums in the field of Health Sciences, Public Health, Nursing, Science of Nutrition, Microbiology, and more.
*Please SAVE the IRHC ZOOM Link?
Meeting ID: 836 0885 0685
Passcode: irhc2023
Virtual Background: https://bit.ly/IRHC-ZoomVB
See you on the conference day. Stay safe and healthy!
Thank you and best regards,
IRHC Committee

#irhc #unriyo #researchsynergyfoundation #globalresearchecosystem #healthconference #healthscience #publichealth #nursing #nutritions #microbiology #marchconference2023 #internationalconference


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